From Organic Farm to Table with Chef Tashi (Cooking Session)
Hello nature lovers!
Another well-spent day with nature lovers,
Once again, we had the pleasure of experiencing ENOWA's successfully implemented model of circular bio-economy through harvesting fresh vegetables from organic farm to the healthy plate. The thriving organic farm, unique skills in framing and cooking, and hospitality of warm-hearted staff made our day very special.
Many Thanks to Chief Tashi Gyamtso and the amazing people in
Yufuin Enowa. We are looking forward to more collaborations in the near future.

“Bear Bile Farming in Vietnam and Career Opportunities in Wildlife Conservation“ (CIL, Guest Lecture Series)
Professor Faezeh Mahichi invites guest speakers to her lectures at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) supported by the Center for Inclusive Leadership (CIL).
TITLE: “Bear Bile Farming in Vietnam and Career Opportunities in Wildlife Conservation“
SPEAKERS: Mai Trang Le (APU Alumni Class 2022)
DATE: Friday, January 26th, 2024
TIME: 3rd Period (12:30 - 14:10)
Email of Facilitator, Faezeh Mahichi: fmahichi@apu.ac.jp

“From Organic Farm to a Unique Table“ (CIL,Guest Lecture Series)
Professor Faezeh Mahichi invites guest speakers to her lectures at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) supported by the Center for Inclusive Leadership (CIL).
TITLE: “From Organic Farm to a Unique Table“
SPEAKERS: Chef Tashi Gyamtso & Mr. Hirakawa (Owner of Enowa)
DATE: Tuesday, January 16th, 2024
TIME: 3rd Period (12:30 - 14:10)
Email of Facilitator, Faezeh Mahichi: fmahichi@apu.ac.jp

“How to Plan, Prepare, Submit, Revise and Write an Excellent Thesis“ (CIL,Guest Lecture Series)
Professor Faezeh Mahichi invites guest speakers to her lectures at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) supported by the Center for Inclusive Leadership (CIL).
TITLE: “How to Plan, Prepare, Submit, Revise and Write an Excellent Thesis“
SPEAKERS: Prof. Donald Huisingh (Institute for a Secure and Sustainable Environment, The University of Tennessee, USA)
DATE: Friday, December 1st, 2023
TIME: 4th Period (14:20 - 16:00)
Email of Facilitator, Faezeh Mahichi: fmahichi@apu.ac.jp

From Organic Farm to Table with Chef Tashi (Cooking Session)
Hello nature lovers!
Another well-spent day with nature lovers,
Once again, we had the pleasure of experiencing ENOWA's successfully implemented model of circular bio-economy through harvesting fresh vegetables from organic farm to the healthy plate. The thriving organic farm, unique skills in framing and cooking, and hospitality of warm-hearted staff made our day very special.
The activities were reported by
1) APU student on his YouTube channel, with the music he composed and recorded ☛ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4osAk2XSDN4 and,
2) On ENOWA’s Instagram Page ☛https://www.instagram.com/p/C4FWbyDPBTW/?img_index=1
Many Thanks to Chief Tashi Gyamtso and the amazing people in
Yufuin Enowa. We are looking forward to more collaborations in the near future.

“Bringing Organic Food to Our Daily Life“ (CIL,Guest Lecture)
Professor Faezeh Mahichi invites guest speakers to her lectures at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) supported by the Center for Inclusive Leadership (CIL).
TITLE: “Bringing Organic Food to Our Daily Life“
SPEAKERS: GOTO, Akiko san (Oita Organic Market)
DATE: Friday 3rd November, 2023
TIME: 3rd Period (12:30 - 14:10)
Email of Facilitator, Faezeh Mahichi: fmahichi@apu.ac.jp
Oita おおいた Organic Market: https://www.facebook.com/oita.organicmarket

Hello nature lovers! (日本語以下)
ECOS here! We want to invite you on February 5 which is volunteering and interaction with kids through organic gardening, sweet potato grilling, and learning about fireflies conservations!
Anyone is welcome!
Time: 10:00am-12:00pm
Place: BGG or Marushoku green coop(9:45am) if do not know BGG
Footwear and clothes must be comfortable and ok to get dirty.

Circular Beppu Stakeholder Workshop 『回覧別府』ワークショップ
Appreciation for the support from Peter Roux Sensei, Lailani Alcantara Sensei, Kazuki Raj, Kurisu Isogai, Samy MT, Phan Trung Phuc, Nobuko Takahashi san, Shunso Tsukada Sensei, AMITA Holdings (https://www.facebook.com/amitagroup), Beppu City Hall, Beppu Mayor Yasuhiro Nagano San, 後藤亜紀子 San (Founder of Oita Organic Market), and many other kind volunteers.
Leader (Kazuki Raj) and Deputy leader (Kurisu Isogai) of ECOS (Environmental Community for Sustainability), a student club, presented participants with organic potatoes harvested from Beppu Global Garden (BGG) Leila Mohammadi (Leader of BGG). BGG is an organic community farm that APU students and volunteers from the local community are collaboratively managing.
DATE: Sunday 22nd January, 2023

“Saving our Food System, Saving Nature: Building on Inclusive Society through Community Organic Farming in Beppu, Japan“ (CIL,Guest Lecture Series)
Professor Faezeh Mahichi invites guest speakers to her lectures at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) supported by the Center for Inclusive Leadership (CIL).
TITLE: “Saving our Food System, Saving Nature: Building on Inclusive Society through Community Organic Farming in Beppu, Japan“
SPEAKERS: TSURU, Toshihiko san (KEPC Deputy Leader) & OSAKA, Kazuki san (ECOS Leader, APU)
DATE: Thursday 19th January, 2023
TIME: 4th Period (14;20 - 16:00)
Email of Facilitator, Faezeh Mahichi: fmahichi@apu.ac.jp
Environmental Community Of Sustainabilty (ECOS): https://linktr.ee/ecosapu
Beppu Global Garden (BGG) : https://www.facebook.com/beppuglobalgarden

4th Dialogue on Next GenerationS Dialogues with Kurata Ikuko & Sato Shouhei
Happy New Year everyone!
We are excited to invite you to start a year with our Next GenerationS Dialogues with our wonderful guests from Hawaii, Ms. Kurata Ikuko, and Mr. Sato Shouhei
SPEAKER: Kurata Ikuko ( with Sato Shouhei)
COUNTRY: Japanese residing in Hawaii
DATE: Friday 13th January 2022
Links of Speaker:
Makoa House Introduction Youtube video:

“Dialogue Between Generations“ (CIL,Guest Lecture)
Professor Faezeh Mahichi invites guest speakers to her lectures at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) supported by the Center for Inclusive Leadership (CIL).
TITLE: “Commercialization of Hope: Business Developments of AMITA to Realize a Sustainable Society & Design of a Mutually Supportive Community Sustained by Resource Collection“
DATE: Monday 11th July, 2022
TIME: 4th Period (14;20 - 16:00)

3rd Dialogue on Next GenerationS Dialogues with Masaki Takashi
Next Generations Dialogue is a project that bridges real #conversation between diverse generations. We invite you for our 3rd dialogue with Masaki Takashi a #story teller, #peace advocate, and #environmentalist. Join us for this hybrid event to learn more about his story and engage with him through this dialogue. Language: #japanese and #english
Date: 30th September 2022
Time: 15.00-16.30 (JST)
Platform: Zoom
Scan the QR code to register for the event!
Date: 30th September 2022
Time: 15.00-16.30 (JST)
Platform: Zoom
Scan the QR code to register for the event!

“Commercialization of Hope: Business Developments of AMITA to Realize a Sustainable Society & Design of a Mutually Supportive Community Sustained by Resource Collection“ (CIL,Guest Lecture Series)
Professor Faezeh Mahichi invites guest speakers to her lectures at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) supported by the Center for Inclusive Leadership (CIL).
TITLE: “Commercialization of Hope: Business Developments of AMITA to Realize a Sustainable Society & Design of a Mutually Supportive Community Sustained by Resource Collection“
DATE: Monday 11th July, 2022
TIME: 4th Period (14;20 - 16:00)

“Saving our Food System, Saving Nature: Building on Inclusive Society through Community Organic Farming in Beppu, Japan“ (CIL,Guest Lecture Series)
Professor Faezeh Mahichi invites guest speakers to her lectures at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) supported by the Center for Inclusive Leadership (CIL).
TITLE: “Saving our Food System, Saving Nature: Building on Inclusive Society through Community Organic Farming in Beppu, Japan“
SPEAKERS: TAKAHASHI, Nobuko san (KEPC Leader), TSURU, Toshihiko san (KEPC Member), OSAKA, Kazuki san (ECOS Leader, APU) & Mahn (BGG Leader, APU)
DATE: Monday 4th July, 2022
TIME: 1st Period (8:45 - 10:25) & 2nd Period (10:35 - 12:15)
Email of Facilitator, Faezeh Mahichi: fmahichi@apu.ac.jp
Environmental Community Of Sustainabilty (ECOS): https://linktr.ee/ecosapu
Beppu Global Garden (BGG) : https://www.facebook.com/beppuglobalgarden

Firefly Watching Event 2022
Hello nature-lovers! Have you ever seen the majestic sight of fireflies floating amongst the dark? ✨✨
On June 4th, 19:00 to 20:40, ECOS and the Kamegawa Environmental Protection club are organizing a firefly watching event for everyone! Over the years, we have been working hard to increase the firefly population of Beppu. Join us to see our efforts bear fruit, and watch the fireflies glow ✨✨
Everyone is welcome to join but please remember to follow the Covid-19 safety precautions. We hope to see you all there!
6月4日(土)の19:00から20:40の間、ECOSと亀川環境を守る会がホタル観賞会を開催します! 長年にわたり、冷川のホタルを増やそうと努力してきた私たちの努力の集大成と、暗闇の中でホタルが光り輝く様子を一緒に見ませんか✨?

2nd Dialogue on Next GenerationS Dialogues with Nader Masavi
We warmly invite you to join us to hear stories of our 2nd inspiring guest, Mr. Nader Mousavi, a co-founder of Farhang school, a self-governing school for Afghan kids, who otherwise would not have access to public education in Iran.
Date: 2nd June, 2022
Time: 21.00 JST
Register for the event at,
Join us via Zoom at,
Meeting ID: 4805 6814 985

Next GenerationS Dialogues: 9th edition - Our Members Stories (Copy)
Our Ninth guest for the Next Generations Dialogues will be amongst our NGSD Members. The reason being, we believe everyone has a story to tell, and who best to ask than our own.

Next GenerationS Dialogues: 10th edition - Our Members Stories
Our Eighth guest for the Next Generations Dialogues will be amongst our NGSD Members. The reason being, we believe everyone has a story to tell, and who best to ask than our own.

Organic Chisan Chisou Gathering
With the generous support of Oita Prefecture, my Japanese mother Nobuko Takahashi, my dear friends; Motoko Saito San, Masami Takahashi San , Hiroe Kandori San, 後藤亜紀子 San, Rumi Yamada San from Yamadabessou, the 92-years old Ryokan in Beppu, my student Nithyashree Ashokan, and my daughter Sarira we made a study group today. We talked, discussed, shared, laughed, and eat over the topic of Organic Chisan Chishou (有機 地産地消) in Oita Prefecture in order to provide our community fresh, locally produced, healthy organic products.
The study group consisted of an organic farmer, business owners (restaurant and shop), next generations (youth), teachers, and consumers.
Please do join us if you are interested in our project.
Together, let's contribute to a safer local Food System by applying the Circular Bioeconomy concept.

Next GenerationS Dialogues: 9th edition - Our Members Stories
Our Eighth guest for the Next Generations Dialogues will be amongst our NGSD Members. The reason being, we believe everyone has a story to tell, and who best to ask than our own.

1st Dialogue on Next GenerationS Dialogues with Monte Cassim
On the occasion of celebrating the 50-years of Professor Cassim Monte’s efforts to promote science, inclusive innovation, and cross national and cross cultural mutual understanding, we have invited our guest in the Next Generations Dialogues.

Next GenerationS Dialogues: 8th edition - Our Members Stories
Our Eighth guest for the Next Generations Dialogues will be amongst our NGSD Members. The reason being, we believe everyone has a story to tell, and who best to ask than our own.

Next GenerationS Dialogues: 7th edition - Our Members Stories
Our Seventh guest for the Next Generations Dialogues will be amongst our NGSD Members. The reason being, we believe everyone has a story to tell, and who best to ask than our own. Gakuto shares his education background in Canada and japan.

Next GenerationS Dialogues: 6th edition - Our Members Stories
Our Sixth guest for the Next Generations Dialogues will be amongst our NGSD Members. The reason being, we believe everyone has a story to tell, and who best to ask than our own. Asal shares with us her cute bird Kevin, and introduces us to iranian culture.

“Business Developments of AMITA to realize a Sustainable Society & Design of a Mutually Supportive Community Triggered by Resource Collection“ (CIL,Guest Lecture)
Invitation to True Sustainability Lovers;
We will welcome representatives of AMITA Holdings to my Biodiversity course on Jan 17th, Monday.
APU Alumni, Class 2018, APS, Environment and Development (E&D) major, Ms. Kishiko Miyazaki who is working in AMITA will visit my class to share with us AMITA's contributions to real values and the true sustainable practices.
Please do join us and together let's learn from AMITA activities and find how best we can support the companies in the front lines of sustainability.
Date: Mon. January 17th , 2022, 3rd period (12:30-14:10), Zoom ID: 994 9458 8541
Many thanks to my colleagues and friends for their supports in welcoming AMITA as the guest speaker in my course.
Peter Roux, Lailani Alcantara, Donald Huisingh, Shunso Tsukada, Center of Inclusive Leadership (CIL), APU.
Hope to see you in our Monday class.
Faezeh Mahichi

Next GenerationS Dialogues: 5th edition - Our Members Stories
Our Fifth guest for the Next Generations Dialogues will be amongst our NGSD core team. The reason being, we believe everyone has a story to tell, and who best to ask than our own. Saaeda shares with us her home, Sri Lanka.

Next GenerationS Dialogues: 4th edition - Our Members Stories
Our Fourth guest for the Next Generations Dialogues will be amongst our NGSD Members. The reason being, we believe everyone has a story to tell, and who best to ask than our own. We have narges introduce iran and her Experiences of being from afghanistan.

Toyoo Takahashi San Memorial
We kindly invite you to join us in a very special memorial service on Saturday 18th December 2021, of KEPC founder and a man who both cared deeply for Beppu, its sea turtles, fireflies, community, friends & family, Toyoo Takahashi of Kamegawa.

Next GenerationS Dialogues: - 3rd Edition - Our Members Stories
Our third guest for the Next Generations Dialogues will be amongst our NGSD core team. The reason being, we believe everyone has a story to tell, and who best to ask than our own. This round we have Kim from south korea sharing the history of Korea and his upbringing.

Next GenerationS Dialogues: 2nd Edition - - Our Members Stories
Our Second guest for the Next Generations Dialogues will be amongst our nGSD core team. The reason being, we believe everyone has a story to tell, and who best to ask than our own. This round we have Minami from Japan & Kenya introduce her home.