Professor Donald Huisingh
“How to Plan, Prepare, Submit, Revise and Write an Excellent Thesis“
Toshihiko Tsuru & Kazuki Osaka
“Saving our Food System, Saving Nature: Building on Inclusive Society through Community Organic Farming in Beppu, Japan“
Eisuke Kumano
“Commercialization of Hope: Business Developments of AMITA to Realize a Sustainable Society & Design of a Mutually Supportive Community Sustained by Resource Collection“
Nobuko Takahashi, Tsuru Toshihiko, Kazuki Osaka & Mahn
“Saving our Food System, Saving Nature: Building on Inclusive Society through Community Organic Farming in Beppu, Japan“
Kishiko Miyazaki
“Business Developments of AMITA to realize a Sustainable Society & Design of a Mutually Supportive Community Triggered by Resource Collection“